Social Prescribing

The practice is now able to offer patients access to our Social Prescriber.

Our Social Prescriber runs a clinic once a week and can help with all sorts of problems, that can impact on your physical health.

These include debt management, legal services, mental wellbeing, carer’s support, benefits advice, housing, routes to employment, domestic violence, and befriending. 


  1. Explore what is important for your life and wellbeing
  2. Identify the local activities and services you can benefit from
  3. Gain support and encouragement to start using services that can help you


  • Someone to talk to confidentially, who is practical and helpful and who will not judge you.
  • Some one who can help you decide what you’d like to do to feel healthier.               
  • Some one who will help find you activities that will suit you and, if you want, who can go along with you to them to start with so that you don’t have to go on your own.
  • Someone who can advise you on how to arrange appointments with medical services at times that suit you.
  • Someone who can give you support along the way to help you take the lead on living  Healthy lifestyles and active lives.
  • Social Prescribing is a new service and your GP practice is one of the first to start offering it. We welcome your feedback. Please speak to any of the Practice staff.

If you feel this could benefit you, please speak to the team at reception to make an appointment.